In this blog will reply to all question of Gilsonite user that how they can melt and blend with solvent,bitumen and even water!
Mix of Gilsonite need heat up,wait for a while and mix well with proper impeller.
In this blog will reply to all question of Gilsonite user that how they can melt and blend with solvent,bitumen and even water!
Mix of Gilsonite need heat up,wait for a while and mix well with proper impeller.
The use of modifiers to improve the performance of bituminous road paving materials is increasing worldwide. These additives range from polymers and fibers to lime. One product is
now being considered very seriously by road paving engineers and paving contractors who are
concerned both with high performance and cost effectiveness. This product, gilsonite, has long
been known as a bitumen reinforcer and hardening agent. New evidence, both from the laboratory
and from a fast growing body of field work, demonstrates that gilsonite offers a unique
combination of high performance and economy for high stress paving applications.
The main benefit of gilsonite is in producing road pavement mixes of much higher stability than
conventional ones. A unique, natural hydrocarbon, high in asphaltenes and nitrogen compounds,
gilsonite is a granular solid that is fully compatible with bitumen. It can be melted into hot
bitumen, or it can be added during hot mix manufacture. In either case, gilsonite dissolves easily in
bitumen and requires only a slight increase in mixing time to achieve a uniform, easily workable
hot mix.
The increased stability of gilsonite fortified pavements makes them more resistant to deformation
problems, such as rutting and shoving, and increases the pavement’s load carrying ability . In
addition, laboratory tests and field results show that improved deformation resistance can be
obtained while the pavement retains much of its original ductility and ability to resist low
temperature cracking. Other positive benefits include increased resistance to water stripping and
Gilsonite is a natural hydrocarbon, high in asphaltenes and also has nitrogen compounds, and fully
compatible with bituminous pavement materials. It forms true, stable solutions in bitumen and can
be easily incorporated by presolution in the bitumen with agitation or by direct addition during hot
mix manufacture. Gilsonite that is provided by us, has specifications that represented below:
For using gilsonite in the case of road paving binders, presence of this amount of ash, isn’t
counted an undesirable factor, and even it reinforces asphalt mix features beside other materials
that used for asphalt production. In the meanwhile the results of the some low-temperature
durability tests indicate that sulfur-modified asphaltic concretes may be more durable than their
unmodified asphalt counterparts and so existence of sulfur is a desirable factor for road paving
mixes. As a result this form of gilsonite is very suitable for incorporation to asphalt mixes.
Gilsonite’s Benefits in Asphalt Paving Mixes
When gilsonite is added to bitumen it modifies the bitumen to lower its penetration, increase its
viscosity and increase its softening point. For the manufacture of road paving mixes, gilsonite
· Increases the mix stability, thus reducing shoving, rutting and other types of deformation
problems that occur from heavy traffic and hot weather conditions.
· Reduces the temperature susceptibility of most bitumens, thus getting the high
temperature performance with little sacrifice in low temperature characteristics.
· Is extremely easy to add, either to the paving mix directly or to the hot bitumen. It also
causes minimal disruption of the contractor’s operation.
· Is a fraction of the cost of most other modifiers, roughly one-third the cost of Ethylene
Vinyl Acetate (EVA) co-polymer or Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) rubber.
Several other benefits are also obtained from the use of gilsonite modifier. These benefits can be
important during manufacture and placement of hot mix pavements and often represent problem
areas for polymeric modifiers. gilsonite:
· Easily combines with other hot mix components;
· Forms stable solutions that do not separate during hot storage;
· Does not require changes in pavement design, nor in the contractor’s standard pavement
laying practices
· Methods of Addition
· Gilsonite can be easily added to hot mix in a variety of ways. It can be predissolved in hot
bitumen prior to the addition of the bitumen to the mix. The most popular method is to
add gilsonite directly to the asphalt mix in the batch plant or drum mixer. All three
methods discussed below. As a free flowing, dry, granular solid, gilsonite can be added
directly in small, preweighed, meltable plastic bags, or added in bulk using vein or screw
· In one typical experience, gilsonite was added directly to the bitumen tank. The
temperature of the bitumen was approximately 170°C and continuous recirculation
through the top of the tank was used to create splashing action. The product dissolved
easily with moderate mechanical agitation. Even faster dissolution can be obtained by
using a mixer capable of generating a vortex.
· The gilsonite is readily combined and completely compatible with the other hot mix
components and paving operations are virtually unaffected, i.e., no specialized equipment
is required.
1- Mixing Gilsonite Into Bitumen
This is a fairly simple procedure. A bitumen tank with a propeller stirrer with enough agitation
action to create a vortex is recommended. The best choice is a “lightning” mixer or some other
type of electrical y powered mixer. An explosion proof motor is preferred if large dust
concentrations are likely to occur. gilsonite should be added slowly at the vortex. Provisions
should be made to recirculate the hot bitumen through recirculation piping.
The most important item is that the minimum temperature should be about 170 to 175° C.
Anything significantly less than this will extend mixing time. For typical (5-10%) substitution
concentrations, 2-4 hours of mixing after addition is completed should be sufficient. For master
batch concentrations (over 10% gilsonite) recirculation overnight is preferred. It is so obvious that
percentage of gilsonite added to bitumen depends on initial bitumen specifications and features of
desired product, but always between 5-18%.
The dry gilsonite should be poured into the hot bitumen slowly. If it is added too fast then it may
agglomerate, or “bal up” at the surface. If this happens then some manual stirring to disperse the
agglomerations may be required.
If a horizontal, cylindrical tank is used, then gilsonite should be added at an opening at the top
(about 0.5-1.0 meters in diameter). Again, it should be poured in slowly and stirred with a
propel er mixer or a manual paddle so it does not “ball up” or agglomerate. Recirculation piping
will be necessary to insure some agitation effect and proper dissolving.
Recirculation is very important to achieve proper dissolution. If mixing is done in a horizontal
tank then it is essential that the gilsonite-modified bitumen be recirculated from the front of the
tank to the back, or vice versa. This should be accomplished, even if some re-plumbing of the tank
is necessary, besides if an in-line mixer set in the recirculation line, then reaching for best degree of
mixture must be more successful.
Gilsonite does not dissolve instantly. Mixing a tank containing 10-15 MT bitumen and 5%
gilsonite addition will take about 2-4 hours to add in, and an additional 2-4 hours mixing time
afterwards. Naturally, higher gilsonite dosage levels will require longer mixing times.
Unfortunately, during mixing there is no test or checklist to determine whether the gilsonite is
blending wel in the bitumen. However, if it is not, then large balls or chunks will be visible in the
Afterwards, the best method to check whether gilsonite was fully mixed into the bitumen is by
comparing the original and final penetrations of the bitumen.
We have a diagram that showed below, described the process by the picture. As it’s seen, process
is in the batch system. Cut off line of feed and product indicates the batch system. The more
recycle flow, more better mixing. 3 hoppers design is better than 1 hopper, because it causes
perfect distribution of gilsonite into the mixer
2- Batch Asphalt Plant (Pug Mill) Mixing
First, gilsonite should be added during the dry cycle of the mixing procedure, onto the hot
aggregate rocks, before the bitumen is added. We recommend extending the total cycle time by
about 15 seconds to insure proper dissolution. 5 additional seconds of dry mixing and 10
additional seconds of wet mixing maximized the Marshal Stability of the paving mix.
The gilsonite can be stored in an additional silo at the pug mill and sprayed into the mixer.
gilsonite would be handled in this same manner. A screw feeder or vane feeder that measures out
the amount of gilsonite per batch can be calibrated to measure the dosage level of gilsonite per
When gilsonite introduced at the plant site a gilsonite storage tank is required with a totalizing
flowmeter, which is not capable of being reset, mounted in the gilsonite feed line just prior to
introduction into the mixer.
It may be much easier to pre-package gilsonite into small, polyethylene bags with a measured
amount of gilsonite and toss them onto the hot aggregate in a batch plant. The sidewal thickness
of the bag should be about 0.005 cm. The aggregate temperature should be around 180°C. It is the
aggregate temperature that is melting the bags and the gilsonite, not the heat from the bitumen.
Therefore a temperature of 150-165°C entering the pug mill is acceptable, as long as the aggregate
is sufficiently heated.
In either case, spraying gilsonite onto aggregate or tossing bags into the pug mill, we
conservatively recommend increasing the mixing time an extra 15 seconds. This will insure the
gilsonite is melted properly and dissolving into the bitumen.
Final y, it is possible to just scoop or shovel a precise number of kilos of gilsonite per batch onto
the hot aggregate, no re-packaging is needed.
We produced two process diagrams for batch mixing that display the method described above.
First diagram shows the system that gilsonite storage is not at the pug mill, and gilsonite feedline
with an inline flowmeter leads to mixer, it’s hard to see in the digram that gilsonite isn’t mixed
with bitumen before addition to the mixer, but it’s necessary gilsonite must be added to the mixer
before bitumen.
Second diagram is a cross section view of the pug mill and shows the system that gilsonite storage
is at the pug mill, and a weigh bin controls the amount of gilsonite added to the mixer.
3- Continuous Asphalt Plant (Drum) Mixing
Gilsonite may be introduced into a continuous mixing plant via a screw auger. It should be added
at a point inside the line where the bitumen is added. The screw auger should be controlled by a
drive motor that is calibrated to the plant’s production rate. The auger should enter the drum at
the opposite end from the flame.
Care should be taken to insure that gilsonite is not caught up in the air stream and delivered to the
bag house. It should be added right under the bitumen output so that a part of the gilsonite is
taken down by the bitumen to mix with the aggregate.
For more description, we have a process flow diagram for drum mixing that easily specify how
gilsonite must be added into asphalt. some design parameters that must be considered represented
below the PFD.
As it’s seen in the digram, gilsonite incorporated into drum by a feedline that must be equipped with an in-line blending system capable of metering the gilsonite within plus or minus 10 percent of the amount specified. Considering the fol owing instructions is necessary:
· Interlock the metering device with the asphalt binder control equipment in such a manner as to automatically vary the gilsonite feed rate to maintain the required proportions and which will automatically indicate in the plant control room when flow is obstructed or stops.
· Inject the gilsonite into the asphalt binder feed line prior to introduction into the aggregate.
· Equip the feed line with a blending device to thoroughly mix the gilsonite with the asphalt binder prior to mixing with the aggregate.
· Provide a system capable of being calibrated, checked and monitored for accuracy and quantity of the amount used. The in-line blending system will be equipped with an in-line
Totalizing flow meter.
We don’t recommend any special paving procedures just because gilsonite has been added to the paving mix. After modification with gilsonite, the final bitumen wil have a significantly lowered penetration, a significantly increased viscosity and a moderately increased softening point.Gilsonitemodification creates a highly stable, easily workable paving mix. We recommend normal paving procedures and normal lay-down temperatures. If the increase in viscosity resulting from gilsonite’s modification presents any flowability problems, we recommend the contractor operates at the higher end of his normal operating lay-down temperature range.
During cold weather, 5 to 10°C, gilsonite-modified mixes may tend to set-up slightly faster than standard mixes. In this case, the initial rol er may follow the paver a little close and the finish roller may not have to stay back as far.
UAE: No. 2406 of Burlington Tower, Business bay, Dubai
Turkey: No. 6, 613 Sk., Galip Erdem Cd.,İlkbahar Mah, Cankaya, Ankara
(ATDM) is Gilsonite miner located in Hakkari near to Iraq boarder.